domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Entrevista a ferderica Di Nardo Cosplayer (desde italia)

Que tal, gente!!! como siempre! navegando en la intenet me tope con esta cosplayer a la cual me impresiono su estilo... asi que no dude en pedirle una entrevista, sus cosplays son muy sutiles y con mucho detalle, asi que espero y les agrade esta entrevista con Federica Di Nardo cosplayer italiana:

(esta en ingles pero pueden usar el traductor de idiomas con banderas que se encuentra arriba de este tema :D)

Name or pseudonym: FedericaDN

Occupation: I'm currently studing Foreign relationships and europeans institutions

hometown: Bergamo - Italy

Page (as) web
(Optional, blog, Facebook, Twitter etc.)
: You can find me here


Deviantart =


What is the definition of cosplay for you?
Cosplay is my way to express Art.
I consider it my most important passion, and I can't miss a convention or a cosplay related event...
To me cosplay is fun, cosplay is laughing, to stay awake in the night to make preparations and complete the costumes...
It gave to me so many satisfactions... I met many people who share my same passion, I became proud of something I realized with my own hands, I learnt many things about materials and fabrics and, last but not least, I won many awards for my costumes!

When did you start doing cosplay and why?
Well it's almost 6 years since I've started to Cosplay ... thanks to this fantastic and creative hobby I've met many amazing people, I've visisted many places, going from a part to another one of Italy, I've felt incredible experiences that still today , when I think about the beginning of this "career", make me feel nostalgic...
The reason why I choose to become a cosplayer is pretty easy... I saw the colors, I saw the happy faces... I was like strucked from this world and I decided to try... well since that day Cosplay is always accompaning me :)

What was your first cosplay?
My first cosplay was something really easy: Licia, from Kiss Me Licia.
She is one of my favourite characters and I had a crush On Mirko XD!
We were a group of people... it was really amazing, people were calling our names and taking pictures!

Cosplay What has been a real challenge for you?
Sure! Each cosplay is for me a challenge because I'm a perfectionist and I want every part of my costume to be perfect in every detail... no compromises, even if is difficult I love to rack my brain and try to find a solution...I'm precise and maniacal and If something It's not like I want it to be I can destroy and make it again from the start...I think this is one of the things that make cosplay so incredibly cool, try hard and then be satisfied with something you realized!

What do you think about the cosplayers in your country?
We have a really high cosplay level (currently World Champions *-*) and we pay attention not only to the costume itself, but also we are advancing in the performances on the stage with scenographies and theatrical acts...
Cosplay is more and more similar to professional acts on stage!

Do you make your own costumes?
Yes, I make my costumes in every single part of them, from the accessories to the sartory and this is reason of great pride to me!
Well I prefer to create accessories .. sewing ... it bores me a little!
Moreover I love to put together the cosplay skits, thinking about the best way to surprise and amaze the audience.

What is the character who most want cosplayer and why?

There is one in particular, Samus Aran with the Metroid :P
But it will be a loooong loong work, so for the moment is not possible, but surely someday I will realize it!

How can you have a dream cosplay?
Well... by now I really wish to travel around the world... and stop by Japan!
There are so many friends I have to meet there...
I would like to be a "International Cosplayer" so that I can meet people from all over the world making friends and compare to them in a professional way... I absolutely want to do cosplay out of my country... I'm so intrigued to know how cosplay is seen outside...
Oh, I was forgetting... Be on the magazine "CosplayGen " would be for me a great satisfaction...

Does that mean for you a cosplay idol, you consider yourself one?
This is difficult :P
I think it's not up to me to say if I am or Not... can I ask someone? :P

Did you cosplay group?
Yeah! I cosplayed in a few groups like Valkyrie Profile and Street Fighter!
Groups are numerous and soo funny, especially if there are friends and people who you respect as person and as cosplayers!

Do you have in mind some other project cosplay?
Yes...but I'm scaramantic and i don't want to say nothing about :P

What does your family think about this?
They are really proud of me, and they follow me in cosplay conventions, especially my father...
His dream to have a daughter who can use a drill and some wood boards came true with cosplay... he loves to help me with my accessories :P

Tell us a story;
Every moment with cosplay is special...
when you win a prize, when people stop you and ask for a photo, when someone comes to congratulate because you ARE the character, when they! stares at you whit admiration, but also when you're working hard to achieve your dream

What advice would you give to the cosplayers Mexicans?
My advice is to take cosplay like a game, because this is the meaning.
It's a game, well... then it becomes a passion, then something you can not give up, because you will love it more and more...

Something you want that to end?
Thanks for this interview...and Hello to all my mexican friends!
Hugs and kisses from Italy!

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